About Me, Phillip Jay
All you need to know (and some things you don't!)I've been creating art of one form or another ever since I can remember. Art has always been a passion and a means to make sense of all the nonsense that's continually spinning round my brain. I've been spewing out my imaginings for over four decades, getting more and more prolific as time progresses.
OK, I did attend art college and receive a formal training in Graphic Design which I put to good use early in my career, working with a leading design and media agency. From there, I went on to form my own TV production company and worked with many of the World's best known companies producing brand identity and promotional programmes. These companies included Microsoft, Intel, Makita, Vodafone, IBM, Disney, Virgin... its a long list!
Also amongst this list of clients is Playboy, for whom I produced several TV shows and documentaries. I also produced the cover art for several Playboy programmes. My work with Playboy inspired many of the images I am creating today.
Looking back, I first embraced digital art many years ago with a Commodore 64, and then graduating to an Atari 800! Fortunately my TV career afforded me the luxury of playing with some really high-end toys such as Quantel Paintbox which I used to create the graphics for many brand launches and product promos. In particular, I produced graphics and animations for the launch of Microsoft Windows and also the XBox. My work was also featured in the promotional media for many of the World's top computer games and simulations.
More recently, I was recruited by the World's largest model and talent agency to produce 'digital doubles' of some of their top models and celebrities. Alongside, this I also produced digital clothing and 'virtual runway' simulations for leading, well-known fashion brands.
Where I Am I Going?
My art is focussd on the futureThese are exciting times. Digital Art is now coming to the fore and is appreciated, appraised and valued alongside Art that's been created using more traditional media. Whilst the astronomical prices being achieved for certain NFT's may be a 'flash in the pan', there is certainly a bright future for the format.
I've been creating digital art in one form or another for over thirty years. It's exciting to now see that it's being treated as a true art form and valued as such. This motivates and inspires me to continue creating.
Over the past eight years or so I've been pressing forward with the promotion of my digital art. I've held exhibitions all over the World and my work has can now be found in the homes and offices of many celebrities and international companies. Yet, there is more to be done!
Since early 2021 I've been experimenting with various Generative Art programs. This work has inspired me and fuelled my creative process. Examples of my achievements using this method can be seen in my latest series of images 'Horrendum Pagani' or 'Killer Clowns'. These are all available a series of NFT's
2023 so far has proved to be an exciting year for Digital Art. 2024 will be even more so. Just watch this space... my best is yet to come!